2010 in Numbers

People throw around way too many meaningless stats about the internet. Here's some good ones from Royal Pingdom which are worth a look. Essentially: Email's still huge. Most of the internet doesn't speak English. People really love sharing photos...

  • 107 trillion emails were sent last year (294 billion a day). Of those, 89% were spam.
  • There are 1.97 billion internet users in the world (up 14% on last year). Asia has 825 million, Europe has 475 million, North America has 266 million.
  • There are 152 million blogs. There were 25 billion tweets sent. Lady Gaga had 7.7 million Twitter followers. Facebook had 600 million members. And 20 milion Facebook apps were installed a day.
  • Internet Explorer's still the leading web browser worldwide with a 47% marketshare. Chrome has burst in with 14.9%.
  • 3000 photos a minute are uploaded to Flickr. Three billion photos a month are uploaded to Facebook. 
The best holiday stat came from Mashable. Over New Year's weekend records were broken when we uploaded 750 million photos to Facebook. Wow.